Revolution Cat Blue 6 Pack

Revolution Cat Blue 6 Pack-Cat Potions & Lotions-Ascot Saddlery

Revolution Cat Blue 6 Pack

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Revolution Cat Blue 6 Pack

Revolution Blue for Cats and Rabbits weighing 2.6-7.5kg.

Revolution is a 6 in 1 monthly parasite prevention treatment for cats.

Kills adult fleas along with eggs and larvae in the environment
Treats, controls and prevents flea infestations in cats
Prevents heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitus in cats
Treats and controls ear mites (Otodectes cyanotis) in cats
Treats and controls hookworm (Ancyclostoma tubaeforme) and roundworm (Toxocara cati) in cats
Treats biting lice (Felicola subrostratus) in cats
May also be used in rabbits to treat mites (Cheyletiella sp., Sarcoptes scabei) and ear mites (Psoroptes cuniculi)

Revolution kills adult fleas as well as their eggs and larvae to break the lifecycle of fleas in the environment, protecting your cat for an entire month. This 6 in 1 product also protects your cat from heartworm disease; although heartworm is less common in cats than dogs, it is potentially fatal and there are no safe treatment options available making prevention is essential. As well as providing month-long protection for your cat against heartworm and fleas, Revolution treats and controls ear mites and biting lice and kills roundworm and hookworm.

Safe for treatment of kittens from 6 weeks of age, and safe for use in pregnant and lactating queens. Waterproof after 2 hours in cats. Safe for use in rabbits over 8 weeks of age.
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