Potassium Plus Ranvet 5lit

Ranvet Potassium Plus 5lit-STABLE: Supplements-Ascot Saddlery

Potassium Plus Ranvet 5lit

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Ranvet Potassium Plus 5lit
Potassium supplement for peak muscle function.

Supplies highly bio-available potassium.
Helps maintain optimum body fluid balance.
Helps counteract the stresses of training and strenuous activity.
Provides highly concentrated potent anti-oxidants.
Provides magnesium and zinc in concentrated form, critical for maintaining strong, well developed bone and cartilage tissue.
Maximises muscle function for heavy sweaters, endurance and stressed horses.

Essential for maintenance of tissue fluid balance and nerve and muscle excitability and function.
Reduces dehydration, allowing optimal muscle function in extreme environmental conditions.
Supplies readily available potassium, critical to efficient muscle function, especially in hot climates, due to large amounts of potassium being lost during intense muscle activity and sweating.
Replenishes potassium lost through urine excretion in stressed horses. Supplementation is recommended, particularly when horses are ‘training off’.
Includes Vitamin E and selenium, which are potent anti-oxidants critical to maintaining healthy muscle function during hard exercise.
Able to be used in conjunction with daily electrolyte supplementation of Salkavite and Neutrolene to reduce lactic acidosis.

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