Pds Escapado Monoflap Dressage Saddle Brown

Pds Escapado Monoflap Dressage Saddle Brown
Regular price$5,29500
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PDS Escapado Mono Flap Dressage Saddle Brown
Built on the ultimate tree for close contact and clear communication, the Escapado Dressage Saddle features an ultra plush seat for incredible rider comfort, and anatomic knee rolls that support without constricting or forcing position. The panel does not have a front gusset, creating a closer horse to rider fit, while carefully positioned billets provide more comfortable girthing for the horse.
Leather: Double European
Colours: Black or Brown
Sizes: 16", 16.5", 17", 17.5", or 18"
Warranty: Carbon Fibre Tree - 20 years
Built on the ultimate tree for close contact and clear communication, the Escapado Dressage Saddle features an ultra plush seat for incredible rider comfort, and anatomic knee rolls that support without constricting or forcing position. The panel does not have a front gusset, creating a closer horse to rider fit, while carefully positioned billets provide more comfortable girthing for the horse.
Leather: Double European
Colours: Black or Brown
Sizes: 16", 16.5", 17", 17.5", or 18"
Warranty: Carbon Fibre Tree - 20 years