Fly Mask Wildhorse Standard Ripstop Nose

Wildhorse Standard Ripstop Nose Fly Mask-HORSE: Flyveils & Bonnets-Ascot Saddlery

Fly Mask Wildhorse Standard Ripstop Nose

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Wildhorse Mesh Fly Mask W/Ripstop Nose
Designed with comfort of the horse in mind with fleece over the poll, forehead & nose.
The veils utilise a new nylon mesh with 70% better visibility offers perfect clear vision protection around the eye area.
They have an elastic stretch point under the chin to allow for your horses most movable joint.
Double eye darts to keep the veil away from your horses eye.
Triple lock Velcro fastening for added security.

This is truly the greatest design.

Sizes: Pony, Cob, Full, ExLarge

To get the perfect shape Fly Veil for your horse.

After removing your Fly Veil from packaging, it may have creases caused by fold lines. This is easily resolved.
Boil your water jug at home.
When water is boiling, place effected area over direct steam for 3 - 5 seconds.
Remove from steam and push Fly Veil into the ideal shape to fit your horse.
Repeat if needed.
Do not hold Fly Veil over steam for longer than 10 seconds as it is not needed.
Beware Fly Veil will be hot after being over steam.
Do not put fingers or any body part over direct steam as it is extremely hot and will burn.

Treatment Description:

The nose and ears of this Wild Horse Australia product utilises Insect Shield® Patented technology process to tightly bond Permethrin to the fabric. These products help to provide optimum protection all year round, from Permethrin sensitive, disease carrying insects. They are approved by the EPA & the World Health Organisation to last through 25 detergent washeds or six months full time weathering. The protection is odourless so it will not affect your horses sensitive sense of smell. It is Insect protection that remains in your Fly Veil, not on your horse. Insects can bite through around or under standard fabrics. This product offers long term Insect Protection.
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